Nexsure 1.90.0 Release Notes (6-23-06)
Resolved Issues
Resolved High Priority Issues
- Installment dates are changing to different due dates.
- List Billing invoices were held in processing have been released.
- When creating a client disbursement, a timeout error was received upon searching for a location.
- When creating a Receive Payment, a timeout error was received upon searching for a location.
- Accounting data clean up, Reversed invoices were posted to the incorrect month.
- Data fix for duplicate deposit reversal.
- Payment advance to carrier did not create an invoice on the client account.
- Disbursement with payment advance did not create payment advance invoice.
- GL Allocation - The Unit name is defaulting as Department.
- Filters in Accounts Payable pulling due dates different than the dates entered.
- Client Payment Advance not creating an invoice on the client account. Receive an error message when trying to reverse a disbursement.
- Received an error when trying to delete an unposted carrier reconciliation.
- Data Fix - Organizations with non-calendar fiscal years do not display the year correctly in Setup for periods.
- Duplicate disbursement reversal created.
- Fiscal periods are incorrect. Error message received when trying to create Income Statement/Balance Sheet report.
- Accounts Payable - Names appearing twice when selecting employees.
- Unable to add fees or taxes to the policy info tab.
- When reversing an invoice the dollar amount on the reversal was duplicated.
- Beginning balance invoice displays on Accounts Receivable twice.
- Client Advance Payment - Received error and duplicate advance when trying to reverse an advance.
- List Bill invoice held in Processing mode.
- Employee name displays once for each territory in Receive Payment & Disbursements.
- Direct Bill invoice that included an agency bill fee did not post to the client accounts receivable.
- Accounting Data fix for policy receiving. Nexsure not retrieving policy header information. Fix is specific to one policy.
- Searches only return results if the first few characters of the name being searched for are entered.
- Book of Business creation was sending error.
- Direct Bill invoice reversal posted in error to the general ledger.
- Received error when trying to In Force a policy.
- Changed Accounting reporting year to a calendar year. Deleted Journal Entries with 0.00 amounts.
Additional Interest
- ZIP/Postal value is not being displayed on card file.
- A Primary Contact for one carrier was being pulled into several other carriers as the Primary Contact due to same contact ID being used.
- When exporting a certificate holder list only the first 250 characters were displaying.
- Date of loss on Auto claim screen is not appearing. The date appears on the ACORD 2 but not on the claims screen. Only occurs on one client.
- Received an error when clicking on verification details.
- Applicant address is not populating the Verification cards.
- Received an error when clicking the details icon of an existing verification.
- Adding a new action from inside of an existing action creates a personal action.
- Received an error when processing cancellation.
- Received error when selecting a Line of Business for a property certificate.
- Description from servicing screen was not pre-filling the annotation for a claims detail.
- Open Marketing Actions are being closed and the topic type is changed to Policy Edit when an Edit is posted.
- Error message received when trying to access a client record.
- Error message received when trying to select Summary of Insurance.
- Policy summary screen shows three Line of Businesses listed as monoline.
- Alerts on Card File show two open actions but no actions can be located.
- Card file shows five related accounts when there are only three.
- Unable to select policy for service.
- Issues regarding the related accounts feature.
- Open action items closing and changing topics when a separate edit is processed and posted.
- Issues with ppre-fillof contact information from the Client Profile to the ACORD 125.
- Changes made to actions that are associated with clients are disappearing from the Home screen when clicking the Save button.
- The Close and Save buttons on Actions have swapped locations.
- Client Profile - Received error when clicking Client Profile > Contact tab > Details icon.
- Received page cannot be displayed error when clicking on the policies tab.
- Phone number entry does not display in Client Profile > Locations tab > Locations Summary screen.
- Remove multiple primary assignments on client records.
- Error when accessing named insureds and policies associated to client file > policy summary view.
- Records cleaned up for Claims Summary showing claims on multiple pages.
Data Conversions
- Conversion of carriers missing notes provided during conversion. Also, Carrier location type needs to be changed to corporate headquarters.
- Cannot access contact record after clicking on the carrier contact detail icon.
- Branch employees are not showing in the Action/Other assignments search.
- There has been a tune to the Data Conversions tool used to create BOB invoices for all policies created through Data Conversions.
- Remove multiple primary assignments on client records.
- Error message received when trying to attach for a delivery. Unable to select an attachment for email or fax.
- Error message received when trying to send items to multiple fax numbers.
- Receive an error when trying to send an email.
- Apostrophe in client name is causing the Client Delivery screen not to return data when running search.
- Received an error on Delivery.
- Deliveries are not showing up at the client level. The Deliveries are only showing on the Home screen.
- Error message received for reconciliation created on commission download.
- A renter, condo or mobile home need to find homeowners Line of Business and vice versa.
- Download file contained both daily and commission transactions which Nexsure was unable to process. Download file was separated.
- When adding an employee, if the region you are adding employees to contains a "&" in the name you will received an error when adding the employee's security rights.
- Cannot add security for a branch employee. When you enter and save a login name a message displays showing you have exceeded the maximum number of user licenses.
- Victoria NAIC codes improperly assigned to Allied.
- Wrong search link clicking for Patrons Mutual claims inquiry.
- eServices shows error message when username is typed on the fly.
- All Pekin eServices stopping early and displaying an error message.
Financial Entity
- Received error when clicking the details icon in the contact results screen.
- Claim Form missing from LOB (Commercial Flood).
- Florida WC - Clicking on Add Coverage/Endorsements on the QN tree brings up Included/Excluded on the wizard.
- Forms - Virgin Islands is not available for selection on applications in the State drop-down box.
- Locations are pulling to the ACORD 125 when an endorsement is processed.
- Endorsement form is unavailable when selecting Personal Condominium Line of business from Servicing.
- Adding an item to the Scheduled Equipment section of an Equipment Floater application does not populate to the change request.
- Error message received when the Action Status filter is set to Open.
- Renewed policies are showing on home as expirations.
- Some actions can not be closed in the sales org.
- Cannot close two open actions.
- Previously entered actions that were tied to a client/policy are showing as personal when adding info to the action.
- Home Claims Screen - Claims are duplicating and not all information appears on export.
- Nexsure and Admin user accounts must be part of the concurrent seat count for agencies.
Office Integration
- If the first Line of Business added to a policy is removed, Base Requirements forms continue to display in the Navigation tab.
- Error when trying to save a Word document that was open for more than one hour – time out has been increased to three hours.
- When pulling the policy number for a Line of Business Nexsure was only pulling the number from the first Line of Business that was created in a package.
- Aborted policies are showing in the Policy selection field when creating attachments.
- Opening Word outside of Nexsure while in a document template causes issues.
- Error when trying to add a generic E & O Line of Business to an ACORD 25 certificate.
- Received a Type mismatch error when remarketing a policy. .
- Policy does not display for edit, but is visible on the Policy Summary screen. .
- Received an error when trying to renew a policy. .
- Received a deadlock error when trying to renew a policy. .
- Aborted cancellation stays on the active policy. When you click on details the policy shows in history. .
- Context tool for endorsement is displaying the policy selection screen twice. .
- Error message received when trying to add an application in Marketing, or trying to service a policy. This update is specific to one policy.
- Unable to print Narrative or the ACORD 125 on the client record.
- Error message received when you click on the Named Insured on the ACORD 125.
- Error message received when trying to In Force a Future Status Policy.
- Received error when an apostrophe is entered as part of policy number.
- Received error invalid use of null occurred.
- Client Listing Reports - If you choose more than one Line of Business to search, no data is returned.
- When doing a batch print not all checks were printed, some were duplicates.
- Client's name and address did not pull to invoice.
- Client Information did not pull onto printed invoice when Bill To was changed on the Master Invoice.
- DB Commission Income Reconciliation report shows zero balance and is out of balance with the GL.
- Deposit Summary Slip - Received From column on deposit does not match Payee column on Deposit Slip.
- People Payables report is causing High CPU usage.
- People Payable Due Recon report is creating heavy load on server.
- Remove relationship types referral/referral commercial and referral/referee from Lookup Management. This update is specific to one client.
- Error received in Lookup Management.
- Home link is highlighted when the Setup link should remain highlighted.
- Setup > Lookup Management > People > Marital Status Code field only holds one character.
- Reason drop-down is blank when trying to non-renew a policy because user deleted Action topic.
- Setup > Lookup Management > People > Marital Status > Add New received duplicate value error. A duplicate code can be entered but not a duplicate type.
Nexsure 1.90.0 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made in
Nexsure version 1.90.0. See Previous
Development for an archive of past releases.
- Removed the 200 item limitation from the ORGANIZATION > Territory > Accounting > Transactions >
Invoices screen. The new limit is 1000 records. Link to topic
- Attachment size limits have been increased from 4MB to 6MB. Link to topic
- In the
Marketing Summary screens, the Issuing Carrier and Billing Carrier column headings were corrected to match the order on all other summary screens. Link to topic
- The
disclaimer is now available when furnishing a Certificate of Liability Insurance, ACORD 25, to holders. Please contact Nexsure Support if your Organization wants to add the disclaimer to all ACORD 25 forms. Link to topic
- Consistency standards are addressed in this release as well as in future releases. Visual consistency standards have been applied to the Disbursements Reporting
- The following fields on all invoice types have been expanded:
- Bill To address
- Policy Type
- Policy Number
- Carrier Name
- Policy Term
- Client Name
Expanding the fields now accommodates the maximum field length from the Card File.
- Both the Nexsure Application and Processing servers have been upgraded to Windows Server 2003.
- In the SETUP >
actions screen, topics used for Annotations no longer have an active Remove
icon. Link to topic